The studio was formerly located on a farm at Withyam near Hartfield and previously known as Stable Studios
Our use of these premises came to an end when serious damp problems caused the floor to collapse. We were never able to get the landlord to address the problem. We refused to continue paying rent for what was an untenable premises and the landlord subsequently locked us out.
The dispute continued for over two years. The farm was then sold and the landlord finally agreed to let us back in to retrieve our equipment.
To our former users this will explain the lack of correspondance and absence of shoot notifications you became used to receiving.
I briefly moved to new premises, on what used to be a farm, at Scaynes Hill were I spent the best part of a year converting what was once the Dairy into a new studio.
In 2008 I moved to the present venue at Albourne. Again it was a farm and is now industrial units, and in the season, a camp and caravan site. This was a new build and again took me a number of months to fit out.
Previous users will be pleased to note that I have upgraded the lighting, acquired a nice double bed for lingerie work (this replaces the awful futon we had at Withyam) and will be resuming the studio events we used to provide at Withyam.
The extensive wardrobe of lingerie, swimwear, bikinis, dresses, boots and shoes etc. is still available,(with some additions) together with the props and an assortment of wigs.
The quest for new models will continue. They will be given experience in the studio and assistance to get into the modelling business.
I also hope to expand the activities to include individual and family portraiture and maybe product and commercial aspects.